no really, please! say it isn't so! how can our sweet little eleanor already be 1 month old?! like, someone put on the brakes fast, i beg you! these next 11 months are going to just FLY by and we are just SO not ready!
only 4 1/2 weeks of life outside the womb and she is already such a little ham. she's been smiling at me non-stop these past few days and it is just enough to turn me into complete mush. i simply cannot get over those gummy grins. or those squishy cheeks. how could i?!
here are a few of the things our baby bird loves & some she definitely does not...
1. LOVES holding her head up. (she's my little show off)
2. DOES NOT LOVE being cradled. no ma'am. don't hold her like that...
3. LOVES bouncing on the yoga ball with daddy. (whilst he also beat boxes)
4. DOES NOT LOVE baths. although our attempt last night was peacefully pleasant. (this one might be changing)
5. LOVES spitting out her passy for her parents to retrieve.
6. DOES NOT LOVE sitting down. just don't even try. unless you have the boppy, then she knows what that means.
7. LOVES kicking mama to wake her up in the middle of the night. really, it's her fave.
8. DOES NOT LOVE being ignored.
9. LOVES staring at her little birdy toy on her bouncer.
10. DOES NOT LOVE car rides. (she's clearly not your average babe on this one)
i don't doubt that a post such as this will happen each month of her life, but hey, that's what blogging is for right? documenting and capturing each and every moment and the crazy emotions that come along with. i hope everyone has a happy sunday!
I can't believe it either! I need more snuggle time with her!!!!!!! Love the pics! The close-ups are so beautiful. I gotta get all better so you two can come hang out!!
Love you!
she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen !!!
Happy 1st month to your adorable daughter! The photos are beautiful. :)
Haha, that last photo made me giggle. That headband is almost as cute as the baby wearing it! :)
Jillian - PS If you have a moment, I'd love to invite you to check out a giveaway we're hosting for $50.00 to Shabby Apple!
please check out my blog! i tagged you in the liebster award.
xox justine
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