well, as it turns out, i decided that a full-time (or a consistent) blogger just isn't in the cards for this homemaking, dishes cleaning, laundry doing, diaper changing, baby playing, nursing, trying to also workout, wife & mama.
i commend those who can handle it all (cough - naomi davis - cough). but at this point in time, God has made it pretty clear that he wants me to focus less and less on trying to fit my blog into a specific category, or setting unrealistic expectations for myself other than just sharing life with those who choose to read along with me. and to those of you who have been so encouraging and patient with me, i thank you. you are an inspiration and i am so happy to have made the new friends that i have through this little nest in cyberspace.
so i won't be as quiet as i have been (still totally blown away that 5 months has already passed) but my posts will be 'as-soon-as-i-get-the-chance'. there's much to catch ya'll up on. i'll try to be brief. here come the photos!
eleanor turned 3 months old.
then 4...
then 5..
and that one...
we had our first family vacation in Tennessee.
this cute face happened.
eleanor's first beach day! aren't those little sunnies so cute?!
she didn't seem to think so...
she's so big.
we went to a wedding.
she got the cutest little teefs.
first family trip to Chipotle. this was a big deal for us. don't judge...
these post nap time funs happened...
7 months and officially a little mover!!
this obviously melted my heart.
and this is basically what our home looks like 24/7. i've come to accept it.
phew! so, as you can see, our little family has gone through a ton of changes over these past five months. i mean, my little girl has teeth anad can crawl! what?! not to mention the fact that she claps and will sing you the sweetest songs all day long. followed by some silly growling of course. she's a ham! and we love it! but please, somebody, make it stop! can't this first year slow down just a little bit??
keep our little family in your prayers. my sweet husband loses his job next month which is both scary and exciting all at the same time. we have repeatedly seen God's provision in our lives, right on down to the smallest details and we trust fully in Him to be faithful. but that doesn't mean that peace floods our hearts as often as it should.
i am again, so thankful for you patient and encouraging readers. it feels good to be back.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness is Eleanor adorable! Seems like yesterday my Jackson was that tiny...he will be ten this year! I wish I could say it slows down...but alas it does not.
We are all too familiar with job loss, and stepping out in faith to trust God with our future. Praying God's peace floods your hearts. Have a testimony of God showing up in the little details just this week. We couldn't afford the homeschool curriculum I really wanted. So I pieced together what I could and have prayed God would provide. Would u believe I met a lady through the curric. Fb page, wanting to sell everything I need. And she lives an hour away. And will be driving through town this weekend. And she wants a fourth of what it costs new? So I am meeting up with her (wont have to pay shipping) on sunday. God is in control of everything. When we lay it before His feet He shows us just how mighty He is!
Love you cuz! Xo and squeeze that baby girl for me!
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